Getting Toronto Life Insurance Rates to Suit Your Lifestyle and Budget

There are many factors that go into determining life insurance rates in Toronto and elsewhere through-out Ontario and Canada. Age, gender and health are the obvious factors but insurance companies also look at things you can actually control. In the industry they are called Lifestyle choices.

Lifestyle choices are things like smoking, extreme sports, weight, driving records etc. Lifestyle choices can affect your insurance premiums both negatively and positively. For example if you workout, eat right and are fit you may be offered cheaper Preferred rates, conversely if you are a mad extreme sport maniac that smokes you will likely be rated, meaning you will have to pay more than standard rates.

What Determines the Life Insurance Rates of Toronto Policy Holders?

“Women typically pay less for life insurance than men do and of course, the older you are the more you will have to pay. During the underwriting process life insurance rates of Toronto applicants may also be affected by, a person’s profession, lifestyle choices like tobacco use, involvement in extreme sports like skydiving, family health history and overall health. The thing to remember is that these factors can contribute to mortality and the greater the risk for it, the higher your premium will be.

Fortunately, brokers like Insurance Advantage make shopping around for the best premium rates easier than ever. They have online tools that allow you to get life insurance quotes from Toronto’s leading insurers with the click of a mouse. With extensive industry knowledge and experience, you will find a policy that specifically suits your budget and lifestyle during each stage of your life.”